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Smh @ Facebook

For my first post I decided to get something of my chest. I hate facebook. Sadly, I am, as all of you are, constantly on facebook. Why? Because, put simply, it is the easiest way to stay in touch with my daily acquaintances as well as all of my old friends. However, despite this wonderful service which facebook provides I still hate it, and here for you are my top 3 most hated things about facebook.

1.) Girls. All of you. Especially the little ones. Before chatting or messaging me, please ask yourself: "Would I do/say this in real Life?" If the answer is no, don't talk to me. I'm tired of girls who have twice as much confidence on facebook as they do in real life (Ric is not). Don't get me wrong, the same can be said for guys out there, but Its not a problem for me. Take the time to have a real conversation with a real person, and if you wouldn't do it face to face, don't do it (unless you are exceptionally sexy/horny).

2.) FAN PAGES. Do I even need to say anything about this? Just because you agree with an idea, or can relate to a given social situation does not mean you are a "fan" of it. To say "I am a fan of Justin Bieber" makes logical sense (sort of). To say "I am a fan of 'I hate it when you are talking to someone and it is like so awkkk'" does not. Also, as I have said before, you will never gain anything, ever, from joining a facebook page. You will not hear the riddle, get the answer you so desperately want to hear, or see the "F***ing hilarious" video that caused half of "Princeton Graduates" to "Not be able to contain their laughter." Its out of control, and frankly nobody cares about what you are a "fan" of.

3.) Fb Chat. It messes up all the time, and it is the main medium through which I am exposed to #1. It is also often serves as an annoying interruption. When I am going about my nightly business (web surfing, hulu, porn, etc.) there is nothing worse than realizing I've left my facebook open and seeing that I've got a message from someone I'd really rather not talk to. It's unnecessary exposure, and I suppose its my own fault, but it just creates an awkward situation. And I hate it. Maybe I should make a fan page for that, but there probably already is.


  1. might be worth saying who was the author for future posts... ric or daniel or collaboration. -george

  2. it says at the bottom, posted by cons
    im working on making it easier though, so thanks for the input

  3. i love the fact that daniel finally put some of his rants, most of which i greatly enjoy, in writing. it makes me happy to read them and be able to picture him gettin all fired up about all of these. well done dmc

  4. this is great. had a few literal lol's in here. The tone is perfect and this is pretty well written. I hope you guys keep this thing going. I've enjoyed every post so far.

  5. for what it's worth, you can make yourself invisible on facebook chat i think
