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Techniques in Flirtation While Texting: Timing is Everything

This one, this is my personal favorite (other than the shower thing of course). This can either be the deal maker or the deal breaker in your textual relationship. It all depends on the personality of the one you're texting, and your ability to text efficiently.
1) The Delay. The delay is every guy's worst nightmare, and every girl's most overused tool. Every girl wants to play hard to get, and in today's world, the easiest way to do that is to feel that buzz, open that phone, read that text, and put that bitch right in the pocket. The power of not responding to a text message can be overwhelming. That extra minute that you waited to text me back was one more minute where I was sitting with my phone in my hands saying, "Why isn't this ho texting me back?" (Ho is for effect, here, don't be offended.) It leaves us wondering. Time wondering = time thinking about you, which is probably your overall goal. Of course, there is the exact opposite of this....
2) The Immediate Response. You may not be talking to the guy I mentioned above. You may be talking to the guy who doesn't give a damn how long you're taking to text him back; he's got shit to do, he ain't really thinking about yo' ass anyway. But nah, for real. The immediate response is sometimes just the right thing to do. It let's him know, "Hey, I'm interested in you enough to respond to what you just said, when you just said it." Which may be just what he needs.
I may be over analyzing the timing thing. Maybe girls just text when they can. But probably not. We're talking creatures who will analyze your voice mail with her friends for days before calling you back. We're talking creatures who will judge you on the way you asked them out just as much as the fact that you asked them out. Stranger things have been done. So when the girl you're tryna holla at sends you a ten word text in five minutes, think nothing of it: She's tryna get in your head.

1 comment:

  1. in girl world answering when a text is sent means that you are desperate and will come off as needy and clingy thus that would be a turn of so by not answering quickly you seen chill in comparison like you wouldnt get caught up in the little shit and thus more attractive to the guy
