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If you are reading this right now, I want you to stop after this sentence, and type the following into you address bar: "". Then I want you to register and create an account, then post the link to your account on your facebook wall. You have just done perhaps the funniest and dumbest things you could possibly do.
Formspring is dumb. I have one. Doesn't make it any less dumb. Let's analyze further: Here is a website that bases its entire existence on the assumption that you go through life feeding your friends, classmates, and associates so much bullshit regarding your personal actions that in order to grasp even a fraction truth, they have to ask you anonymously over the Internet. That was the INTENDED purpose, remember that. Here you are, Susie Q. Bullshit (or Steven Q. Bullshit, cuz I don't want to seem sexist) giving random people an opportunity to ask you anything about your life. But maybe that's not bad; maybe you're like me and you enjoy answering questions about yourself. It's fun, it's harmless, and you can ignore the ones you want to ignore.
Of course, if you're a dumbass, you can go ahead and answer the ones you should have ignored, thus making your formspring page the most embarrassing thing you've ever created for yourself. If people ask you really inappropriate shit, and you go ahead and answer it, or even worse try and create a funny banter with the person who asked you said inappropriate shit, thus creating opportunities for them to ask you even inappropriate-er shit, you should really reassess your possession of a formspring. Cuz you can't delete that stuff, man. But hey, I mean, it's not too bad. I mean, at least it's a web page, so they have to actually type in your site to access it. I mean, people are too lazy to do that, right? It's not like you have it connected to your facebook account....
Wait? You have it to your facebook account? So you just told everyone on facebook that you masturbate three times a day? Yeah, smart move. First off, I don't wanna see that shit. Number B, damn near no one else wants to see it either. And Roman Numeral C, you should have more self-respect than to put all your business out there, or be toyed with by some loser. Learn a lesson.

P.S. To set the record straight, I actually thoroughly enjoy formspring; However, when used in an improper manner, it can be extremely stupid. So, drink responsibly.

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