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The New Facebook and Other Loose Ends.

Ahhhh, now look at ya. You saw the title. And you said, "Ohemgee, he's gonna talk about the new Facebook, and how it's so different, and how much it sucks!!! It's sooo annoyingggg!" Well, you know me better than that. Guess again, bitches.
Once in a while, Mark Zuckerberg is sitting up in his ivory tower looking at his own Facebook profile, and he says, "This shit needs to change." (Citation needed.) And so he moves some stuff around on the homepage, and he moves some stuff around on your profile, and he makes it look pretty. And Mark saw the Facebook, and the Facebook was good. (If you didn't get that biblical reference, you need to go to church this weekend.) Scene change. I sit in my dorm room, Xbox controller warm in hand, ready to kill some Geth. All of a sudden, I get the urge to check my Facebook, even though I did that literally five seconds ago. I notice the new changes. I look upon them with slight disdain, then in about five seconds, I realize that the changes are actually not that different, and in fact make the interface a little easier on the eyes. I change my status, then began my Mass Effect marathon.
Now, apparently, I'm in the very small minority of people who do this, because it seems that the default reaction for this situation is to throw a big ass hissy-fit, cry like a baby, and then propose your ever-living hatred for all things Facebook. You then get on Facebook, and talk to your friends about how the new Facebook sucks. The majority of people will then, in one month, forget how the old Facebook looked, and find something else to bitch about.
I bitch about a lot of things: people being misleading with texts, people ruining the music industry, people making decisions based on ignorance. But I will never bitch about the new Facebook, because that is about the dumbest thing one can do. For one, for all your wrath and fury, your ass is gonna get home from class and hop right on Facebook like it called your name. He could name the shit JimCrowBook and no matter what, you would be on it. It's way too big of a part of our every day lives now. It can't be ignored. So if Zuckerberg changes something, and you get pissed and wanna vent a little in a status, by all means go ahead. But after 3 statuses, 4 notes, 7 wall posts, 2 links and a video, ehh, that's a little damn excessive. Boycott or something, I don't care, I just don't wanna see that crap anymore. Especially ON Facebook. That's just dumb. You're not gonna do anything about it but complain, then forget. That's not speaking your mind, that's just being a baby.
On to Loose Ends: I have regretfully decided that I will not be writing a blog post in order to explain my stance on Eminem. It just isn't worth it in all honesty, and I don't want to send the wrong message. As lackluster as his past two albums were, I still consider him a good artist, and although I feel that he has had some negative influence on the industry, it's not enough to dump on him with a blog post for.
In other news, I'm starting a new series, probably tomorrow. I stole the idea from the All-City Chess Club's blog (if you don't know, please Google). I'll keep you in suspense till then. Deuces.


  1. i think mark should make your thumbnail have the profile pic that you had whenever you did the post/comment/whatever, so if you were 2 when you commented, the pic of you next to it is from when you were 2 too
    aaaanndd like 2yrs ago everyone used to make fun of me for saying deuces/deuces,partna haha but now its ok

  2. No eminem blog. Sadness :(

  3. Ric stop shitting on your audience, its hypocritical of you to complain about complainers, i like your Vick article, but this was bad, all you did was complain you didnt write with purpose. and dont act like your blog is too good for you to write an eminem post because someone wants it obviously. so write an article to write an article not to bash your fans, i'm sure there is some stuff that you do that pisses other people off, but they dont write to the internet and bash you so stop bashing people in your blogs

  4. and a blog is to speak tour mind, but not to speak your mind in a negative way, no one wants to hear you bitch. and then u did that facebook article bashing fb relationships, then when you get a girlfriend you post it on fb so stop being a hypocrite and write an article that we can appreciate like an eminem article, bash people but not your friends and your audience

  5. He wasn't saying not to declare on FB whether or not you're in a relationship first of all; he was commenting about how people use it in peculiar ways. He didn't say that you couldn't say you had a girlfriend on the site and didn't bash on people who had their relationship status displayed - he did, however comment on how the validity of a relationship is questioned if it isn't displayed. He just happened to choose to display it. So? He also pointed out how people at times inappropriately "like" things that aren't fit to be liked - for example, a break-up. Reread it, it might do you some good. The main point of the article was to emphasize the seriousness of Facebook to people now, down to how it plays into their personal lives. It's not hypocritical. By the way, if you're going to name call, please, at least be accurate. That's just insulting to Ric, and to your own intelligence.

    Lastly, a blog is an outlet for personal opinion of the blogger. While you're more than welcome to comment (that's what this box is for, after all), remember that no matter what you request, the blog is still gonna come from Ric and Conover's opinions. That's why it's THEIR blog, not anonymous's.
