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LeBron to the Heat, Cleveland to end in armageddon shortly, Gilbert throws hissy fit.

Finally! LeBron has announced that he is leaving Cleveland for the Miami Heat. He is joined by Chris Bosh of Toronto and welcomed by the previous face of the Miami Heat, Dwayne Wade. Miami fans rejoiced at the acquisition of their new dream team... Cleveland fans... not so much. Understandably, the Cavs' fans were crushed when they heard that Lebron was leaving. Many who had gathered together anticipating the King to return to Cleveland turned away from their TVs in disappointment when the news was broken, and many reacted more violently. These reactions are definitely reasonable, although unfortunate, but the reaction of one fan in particular caught my eye.
Dan Gilbert, the current owner of the Cavaliers, was quick to write and post a letter (link in the title, check it out) to Cleveland fans following the announcement of LeBron's decision. It was less of a letter and more of a rant, and it was completely out of line. He called LeBron's decision an act of "cowardly betrayal," along with mocking LeBron for his hour long TV special calling the event "narcissistic." All of this childish venting was followed by a premature and impossible-to-back-up boast, nay, "guarantee" that he would somehow lead Cleveland to a title before the now excommunicated King would.

Of course, I got some shit to say about this. Really Mr. Gilbert? "cowardly betrayal?" what is LeBron betraying? If you are a fan of Cleveland, ask yourself this, "What are we losing because of LeBron's departure?" Now, once you have thought of your answer, ask yourself this, "Did LeBron give us that in the first place?" The answer is yes. I can already tell you. Any hope they ever had of winning a title, any increase in fan-base they have enjoyed, any credibility they have gained was given to them by LeBron. So answer me this Mr. Gilbert, exactly what is he betraying? Himself? You should be humbly thanking him for even gracing your court with his talents in the first place.

Now I have to speak on this one, the hour long special... I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. Yes it was unnecessary, yes it was a bit egotistic, yes the charity was a stupid b.s. cover up(ish). BUT YOU FUCKING WATCHED IT. And honestly, what harm did it do you? I hate how people (Mr. Gilbert included) are using this along with his decision to paint LeBron as some sort of asshole egomaniac on a mission to screw over Cleveland. Are you kidding me? He was raised there, he's played there forever, you think this decision wasn't hard on him? Do you honestly think it doesn't pain the main to abandon his hometown? He is a real person with real emotions, and I'm sure he'd rather stay in Cleveland, but he had to make a reasoned decision with his brain, not his heart, to do what would best help him accomplish his goal, win a title. If Dan Gilbert's letter was a flaming argument about why Cleveland was the better team for him to win, I'd have no problem with it, but he was simply throwing a tantrum. I have heard that in Cleveland's meeting with LeBron they tried to play on LeBron's sentiments and emotions to get him to stay. LeBron had said himself he was separating him emotions from the decision. This is Cleveland's own fault. LeBron, doesn't want to be the next Patrick Ewing, he wants to be the next Jordan, and he can't do that without a couple rings on his finger. Every King needs his crown, that's all LeBron wants, and sadly, he couldn't get one in Cleveland no matter how hard he tried.

So please, America, hop off the guys balls. He is just being smart. And Mr. Gilbert, I pity you. Good luck trying to beat the Heat. Shit ain't gonna happen.

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