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Samuel Adams (and other white rappers)

White rappers. Do I like them? mehhhhhh maybe. It was yesterday when I was first introduced to this Samuel Adams fellow. I listened to the famous "I Hate College," Samuel's take on Asher's "I Love College." My initial thoughts were "Cool lax penny, bro," "Why are you using autotune?" "How did you possibly think of that title?" and "You clearly love college... dumbass." BUT since I get hated on for hating on things most people like, I decided to try and listen to what he was actually saying. After deciphering his auto-tuned ramblings I decided the dude could actually rap, but I also decided the guy has no future in the Hip-Hop world. Why? Well, to be fair, I'm going off straight first impressions as I have never heard any of his other shit, but I just couldn't help but feel that he had nothing to offer Hip-Hop. As long he is "poundin natty lights," in his songs, he will only be listened to by others who do so, specifically the ever increasing college broski population, who have frighteningly slowly crept into high schools everywhere. And I will say there is nothing wrong with that, Its just not for me, and Its not Hip- Hop. Everyone has a human heart, and a human brain. That's what real Hip-Hop is about. Its universal, though it has afro-centric roots and has risen out of a very specific experience, which can still be related to or a least understood by all. I think this is something Asher Roth knows, and I respect him for it. Sadly, his first single, and the way he chose to present himself to the world, was regrettably "I Love College." I think white rappers have as much to offer to Hip-Hop as anyone else, but my final opinion on our friend Samuel Adams (wow at that name btw) is that he does not have anything to offer Hip-Hop, and its too bad, because he actually has some talent. To close, I will quote Loren Phillips and say that he is a "bro cash-cow," and nothing else. :'(


  1. ok, i have to agree he is not gonna be big in hip hop. he will have a major cult following, which he already does, but nothing more. also i enjoy the fact you seem to have some respect for his lyrics cuz he is pretty good. oh and side note, on his name he is named after his great-great-great-great(dont know how many greats)grandson of samuel adams.

  2. this is fucking on point man. Also, you already are getting the bro ridicule down and you're not even at college yet, impressive.
