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Gears of War

I had a conversation with my fellow blog author today about a certain Xbox 360 game, one entitled, "Gears of War." Most gentlemen know Gears of War as an innovative and addicting first person shooter, and most of you ladies probably have no clue what the hell I'm talking about. Gears of War is a very highly rated game: IGN gave it a 9.4 out of 10. Gamespot gave it a 9.6 out of 10. GameRankings gave it a 93.77% out of 100%.
The first thing I would like to draw attention to is why GameRankings chooses such an arbitrary ass system for ranking games. Really? 100%? Couldn't just be like everybody else and go for the ten stars? Because I am sure that extra ".77%" is making that review more exact.
Anyway, I bring this to your attention because I do not like the game Gears of War. It does not please me. Why? It insists upon itself. Earlier I tried to explain my point of view, and could not. But now, let me explain.
I pick up the sticks, the game loads, I take two steps, and I'm fucking dead. Now, I play Halo, I've played C.o.D. And it just don't happen like that. I mean, I at least usually get to bust off a couple of caps before I get blasted. So I'm surprised. I play for a few more minutes, thinking that maybe I'll live past the first five steps, but it just doesn't happen.
I play FIFA. I play Madden. I play KOTOR. I play Dynasty Warriors. And in those titles, there is a very definitive relationship between the time put into the game, and the reward received from the game. But Gears is just too goddamned hard. I could spend weeks playing that game, and still be as competent at it as a 4 year old Nicaraguan panhandler. I don't have that kinda time man. I got stuff to do, blog posts to write, girls to get rejected by, I can't practice a video game for hours and hours just to be killed online by a dude who practiced for days and days, who then gets killed by a dude who practiced for weeks and weeks, who then gets killed by a 49 year old who lives in his mom's basement and eats grilled cheese sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's just not worth it. So my laziness (if one could call it that) turns me off from the game. There's my explanation. Don't hate me my fellow men; we can still play COD online. Wait, I don't have Live..............or C.o.D.......shit....

1 comment:

  1. I was instantly good, and I'm the dude who kills you before you get to take a breath. I love that game. Boooo Ric
